Thursday, June 30, 2011

python example (jpeg timestamp)

This is a combination usage of:
image processing

Created/updated by BA43B09F0725,qunshan@newsmth

import os, sys, time
import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

def findfiles(path, *callbacks):
for root, dirs, names in os.walk(path):
for name in names:
filename = os.path.join(root, name)
info = tuple(x(filename) for x in callbacks)
yield (filename,)+info

def addString(filename, timestr):
font = ImageFont.truetype(os.path.join(os.environ['windir'], 'Fonts', 'AGENCYB.TTF'), 108)
im =
x, y = im.size
draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img) = 0 + 255*256 + 0*256*256
draw.text((x-640,y-128), timestr, font=font)

def addTimeString(filename, mtime):
timestr = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime(mtime))
addString(filename, timestr)
os.utime(filename, (time.time(), mtime))

if __name__ == '__main__':
for filename, mtime in findfiles(sys.argv[1], os.path.getmtime):
if filename.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.jpeg')):
addTimeString(filename, mtime)

Thursday, June 23, 2011



非字形停车位:右侧车身 距离车位线1.5m,向后倒车; 在驾驶位位于隔一个停车位正中央时,向内侧打满轮,至车正,回正。

一字形停车: 右侧车身 距离车位线0.5m,向后倒车;在后视镜和前车B柱平行时,向内侧打满轮,继续倒车,至车呈45度角,反向打满轮,至车正,回正。




1、被拖车时用: (拖行距离不超过50公里)。

2、长时间(超过1分钟至数分钟内)等红灯时用: (在我们这里,红绿灯都有数字递减显示。就可以根据上述原则,采取“①挂N,拉手闸。②保持D档,拉手闸。”)

3、汽车启动、熄火时: (所有汽车说明书都是讲点火要挂在P档,但问题在于: 当在P档点火后,要挂入D档前,是一定要经过R(倒车档)档,当经过R档时,车辆会自然震动一下,这是挂R档的缘故,从P档到D档过程中,等于先入了R档再入D档,无形中多了一次入R档的组合和磨擦,

自动档熄车也有讲究,我是这样操作的: 熄火前踩着刹车挂N档--拉手刹--放开脚刹--关钥匙第一级--入P档--关钥匙第二级并取出钥匙。 其道理是:停车时,当踩着刹车入P档,拉手刹放开脚刹时,车辆会惯性地向前或向后移动一点位置,这是因为停车场不平整或有少许斜坡而造成的,不要小看这一点点移动,它会对自动变速箱中的锁止栓有一定的冲击,日积月累会对锁止栓有损害,就会出现过锁止栓断开的故障)。

Sunday, June 12, 2011

cache - set associative

Cache Associative:

If the replacement policy is free to choose any entry in the cache to hold the copy, the cache is called fully associative.
At the other extreme, if each entry in main memory can go in just one place in the cache, the cache is direct mapped.
Many caches implement a compromise in which each entry in main memory can go to any one of N places in the cache, and are described as N-way set associative.

If there are N places to which the replacement policy could have mapped a memory location, then to check if that location is in the cache, N cache entries must be searched. Checking more places takes
*PROs: caches with more associativity suffer fewer misses
*CONs: more power, chip area, and potentially time.

From direct mapped to 2-way, or from 2-way to 4-way, has about the same effect on hit rate as doubling the cache size.
Associativity increases beyond 4-way have much less effect on the hit rate

An 4K cache is often organized as a set of 256 lines(slots) of 16 bytes each.
Accordingly, a 4-way associative 4K cache has 64 sets, each set having 4 lines mapped.

A 32b address is divided into
[31:10] [9:4] [3:0]
tag set offset

For a given physical addr, first find the set with A[9:4] in cache.
Then search in all 4 slots to see if the tag A[31-10] matches the tag in the slot.