Saturday, September 27, 2008





2008.9.27 消息
sharp 46gx3 国庆要降到 8k?
据说要很能砍价才能拿到这个价格。 某苏宁的销售坚持说降价不超过2k

pchome 目前报价11480

前面报到还分析:sharp 低端 46a63 预计不超过7.5k, 46RX1最低12k,

有人说:sharp坏点很多,尤其a区3点,全部10点的承诺尤其吓人. 现在据说都用台湾屏。

又有人 8.3买入, rmb 11500


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

tcl reference manual

Basic Language Features


comment (continues to end of line)

" "

allows embedding whitespace in arguments;

substitutions made

{ }

group arguments; substitutions not made

[ ]

command substitution; replace with result of



variable substitution


command separator

Backslash Substitution




close bracket




dollar sign


carriage return

\<space> space






vertical tab




left brace

\<newln> newline


right brace




octal digits

Built-in Variables




Operators (in decreasing order of precedence)

- !

unary minus, bit-wise NOT, logical NOT

* / %

multiply, divide, remainder

+ -

add, subtract

<< >>

left and right shift

< > <= >=

boolean comparisons

== !=

boolean equal, not equa


bit-wise AND


bit-wise exclusive OR


bit-wise inclusive OR &&

logical AND


logical OR


conditional operator

All operators support integers.

All support floating point except , %, <<, >>, &, ^, and |

Boolean operators can also be used on strings.

Regular Expressions

regex | regex

match either expression


match zero or more of regex


match one or more of regex


match zero or one of regex


any single character (except newline)


match beginning of line


match end of line


match character c


match character c


match set of characters


match range of characters


match characters not in range or set


group expressions


append varName value [value value ...]

array anymore arrayName searchId

array donesearch arrayName searchId

array names arrayName

array nextelement arrayName searchId

array size arrayName

array startsearch arrayName


case string [in] patList body [patList body ...]

case string [in] {patList body [patList body ...]

catch command [varName]

cd [dirName]

close fileId

concat arg [arg ...]


error message [info] [code]

eof fileId

error $errMsg $savedInfo

eval arg [arg ...]

exec arg [arg ...]

exit [returnCode]

expr arg

file atime name

file dirname name

file executable name

file exists name

file extension name

file isdirectory name

file isfile name

file lstat name varName

file mtime name

file owned name

file readable name

file readlink name

file rootname name

file size name

file stat name varName

file tail name

file type name

file writable name

flush fileId

for start test next body

foreach varname list body

format formatString [arg arg ...]

gets fileId [varName]

glob [-nocomplain] filename [filename ...]

global varname [varname ...]


history add command [exec]

history change newValue [event]

history event [event]

history info [count]

history keep count

history nextid

history redo [event]

history substitute old new [event]

history words selector [event]

if test [then] trueBody [else] [falseBody]

incr varName [increment]

info args procname

info body procname

info cmdcount

info commands [pattern]

info default procname arg varname

into variable varname

info exists varName

info globals [pattern]

info level [number]

info library

info locals [pattern]

info procs [pattern]

info script

info tclversion

info vars [pattern]

join list [joinString]

lappend varName value [value value ...]

lindex list index

linsert list index element [element element ...]

list arg [arg ...]

llength list

lrange list first last

lreplace list first last [element element ...]

lsearch list pattern

lsort list

open fileName [access]

proc name args body

puts fileId string [nonewline]


read fileId

read fileId nonewline

read fileId numBytes

regexp [-indices] [-nocase] exp string [matchVar] [subMatchVar

subMatchVar ...]

regsub [-all] [-nocase] exp string subSpec varName

rename oldName newName

return [value]

scan string format varname1 [varname2 ...]

seek fileId offset [origin]

set varname [value]

source fileName

split string [splitChars]

string compare string1 string2

string first string1 string2

string index string charIndex

string last string1 string2

string length string

string match pattern string

string range string first last

string tolower string

string toupper string

string trim string [chars]

string trimleft string [chars]

string trimright string [chars]

tell fileId

time command [count]

trace variable name ops command

trace vdelete name ops command

trace vinfo name

unknown cmdName [arg arg ...]

unset name [name name ...]

uplevel [level] command [command ...]

upvar [level] otherVar myVar [otherVar myVar ...]

while test body

Structure of an HTML 4 Document

refer to

Structure of an HTML 4 Document

The Web Design Group

Structure of an HTML 4 Document

Elements and Tags

Elements are the structures that describe parts of an HTML document. For example, the P element represents a paragraph while the EM element gives emphasized content.

An element has three parts: a start tag, content, and an end tag. A tag is special text--"markup"--that is delimited by "<" and ">". An end tag includes a "/" after the "<". For example, the EM element has a start tag, <EM>, and an end tag, </EM>. The start and end tags surround the content of the EM element:

<EM>This is emphasized text</EM>

Element names are always case-insensitive, so <em>, <eM>, and <EM> are all the same.

Elements cannot overlap each other. If the start tag for an EM element appears within a P, the EM's end tag must also appear within the same P element.

Some elements allow the start or end tag to be omitted. For example, the LI end tag is always optional since the element's end is implied by the next LI element or by the end of the list:


<LI>First list item; no end tag
<LI>Second list item; optional end tag included</LI>
<LI>Third list item; no end tag

Some elements have no end tag because they have no content. These elements, such as the BR element for line breaks, are represented only by a start tag and are said to be empty.


An element's attributes define various properties for the element. For example, the IMG element takes a SRC attribute to provide the location of the image and an ALT attribute to give alternate text for those not loading images:

<IMG SRC="wdglogo.gif" ALT="Web Design Group">

An attribute is included in the start tag only--never the end tag--and takes the form Attribute-name="Attribute-value". The attribute value is delimited by single or double quotes. The quotes are optional if the attribute value consists solely of letters in the range A-Z and a-z, digits (0-9), hyphens ("-"), periods ("."), underscores ("_"), and colons (":").

Attribute names are case-insensitive, but attribute values may be case-sensitive.

Special Characters

Certain characters in HTML are reserved for use as markup and must be escaped to appear literally. The "<" character may be represented with an entity, &lt;. Similarly, ">" is escaped as &gt;, and "&" is escaped as &amp;. If an attribute value contains a double quotation mark and is delimited by double quotation marks, then the quote should be escaped as &quot;.

Other entities exist for special characters that cannot easily be entered with some keyboards. For example, the copyright symbol ("©") may be represented with the entity &copy;. See the Entities section for a complete list of HTML 4 entities.

As an alternative to entities, authors may also use numeric character references. Any character may be represented by a numeric character reference based on its "code position" in Unicode. For example, one could use &#169; for the copyright symbol or &#1575; for the Arabic letter alef.


Comments in HTML have a complicated syntax that can be simplified by following this rule: Begin a comment with "<!--", end it with "-->", and do not use "--" within the comment.

<!-- An example comment -->

A Complete HTML 4 Document

An HTML 4 document begins with a DOCTYPE declaration that declares the version of HTML to which the document conforms. The HTML element follows and contains the HEAD and BODY. The HEAD contains information about the document, such as its title and keywords, while the BODY contains the actual content of the document, made up of block-level elements and inline elements. A basic HTML 4 document takes on the following form:


<TITLE>The document title</TITLE>
<H1>Main heading</H1>
<P>A paragraph.</P>
<P>Another paragraph.</P>
<LI>A list item.</LI>
<LI>Another list item.</LI>

In a Frameset document, the FRAMESET element replaces the BODY element.

Validating your HTML

Each HTML document should be validated to check for errors such as missing quotation marks (<A HREF="oops.html>Oops</A>), misspelled element or attribute names, and invalid structures. Such errors are not always apparent when viewing a document in a browser since browsers are designed to recover from an author's errors. However, different browsers recover in different ways, sometimes resulting in invisible text on one browser but not on others.

The WDG HTML Validator checks the validity of HTML 4 documents.

Note that some programs claim to be validators but really are not. A validator checks a document against a formal document type definition (DTD) while other programs such as lints warn about valid but unsafe HTML. Both kinds of programs are useful, but validation should never be forgotten.

HTML 4.0 Reference ~ Elements by Function ~ Elements Alphabetically

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