Sunday, May 30, 2010

perl vs python (hash and list/array)

  perl python
  hash array hash array (tuple for constant, and
list for variable)
(whole, ele)
{},{} (),[] {},[] []/()
(list/tuple), []
declare my %hash =
("foo", 35)

my %last_name = (

"fred" => "flintstone",

my @var = (11, 27.1 , "a string");

my @var = qw/ hello my god /
some_dict =

"fred": "flintstone",

list = ['milk',
1, 'lettuce']
clear %hash = () @var = ()

$#array = -1;
dict={} list = []
the size
my $count = keys %hash; $scalar = @array;

$scalar = scalar @array;
count = len(hash) l=len(L)
$last_name{'wilma'} =
$array[3] = 5

@list2 = (1, @list1, 5); 
#nesting is not supported

@subarray2 = @array[0,1..3]
some_dict['wilma'] =
a = (1, 2); b = (3, 4); c = (a, b) => ((1,2),(3,4))

c=a+b => (1,2,3,4)

L[i:j] = J;
my @k =
keys %hash;

my @v = values %hash;

while ( ($key, $value) = each %hash )

  k =

v = hash.values()

for (key, value) in hash.items():

existence of an ele
if (exists $books{'dino'}) exists  $array[
$index ] -> existence

defined $array[ $index ] -> defined
if books.has_key('dino'):  
add an
ele to the end
add an
ele to the beginning
an ele
delete $books{$person};    del books[person]  
from the
  $var=unshift(@coins);   a=list.pop([i])
from the
  $var=pop(@coins);   a=list.pop()
sort sort { $a <=> $b }
@array2 =
reverse sort (@array);
  sorted([5, 2, 3, 1, 4])


(unique value)
  my @s = uniq sort @a;    
join/split   $firststring
= join(", ",@array);

@array = split('-',$astring);
index       list.index(var)  #find the first ele that match var
ref my
$hash_ref = {};

$href->{ $key } = $value;

Friday, May 21, 2010

PCIe introduction - part2

Device Layers

Three categories of packets are defined,
each one is associated with one of the three device layers. Associated with the
Transaction Layer is the Transaction Layer Packet (TLP). Associated with the
Data Link Layer is the Data Link Layer Packet (DLLP). Associated with the
Physical Layer is the Physical Layer Packet (PLP).

TLP Packet Assembly

TLP Origin and Destination

TLP Assembly

Flow Control

Traffic Classes (TCs) and
Virtual Channels (VCs)

is a TLP header field
transmitted within the packet
unmodified end-to-end through the fabric. Local application software and system
software based on performance requirements decides what TC label a TLP uses. VCs are physical buffers that provide a
means to support multiple independent logical data flows over the physical Link
via the use of transmit and receiver virtual channel buffers.

PCI Express devices may implement up to 8
VC buffers (VC0-VC7). The TC field is a 3-bit field that allows differentiation
of traffic into 8 traffic classes (TC0-TC7).

Data Link Layer Contribution to
TLPs and DLLPs

The Data Link Layer concatenates a 12-bit
sequence ID and 32-bit LCRC field to an outbound TLP that arrives from the
Transaction Layer. The sequence ID is used to associate a copy of the outbound
TLP stored in the replay buffer with a received ACK/NAK DLLP inbound from a
neighboring remote device. The ACK/NAK DLLP confirms arrival of the outbound
TLP in the remote device.

There are three major types of DLLPs: Ack/Nak, Power Management (several variants), and Flow Control. Each DLLP is 8
, including a Start Of DLLP (SDP) byte, 2-byte CRC(using all 4 bytes
of the DLLP), and an End Of Packet (END) byte in addition to the 4 byte DLLP
core (which includes the type field and any
required attributes). In addition, the specification defines a vendor-specific

A DLLP DW(double word?) core is a 4 byte packet. The 8-bit DLLP Type field indicates various categories of DLLPs. These
include: ACK, NAK, Power Management related DLLPs (PM_Enter_L1, PM_Enter_L23,
PM_Active_State_Request_L1, PM_Request_Ack) and Flow Control related DLLPs
(InitFC1-P, InitFC1-NP, InitFC1-Cpl, InitFC2-P, InitFC2-NP, InitFC2-Cpl,
UpdateFC-P, UpdateFC-NP, UpdateFC-Cpl). Received DLLPs which fail the CRC check
are discarded. The loss of information from discarding a DLLP is self repairing
such that a successive DLLP will supersede any information lost. ACK and NAK
DLLPs contain a 12-bit(?) sequence ID
(shown as Misc. field) used by the device to associate an inbound
ACK/NAK DLLP with a stored copy of a TLP in the replay buffer.

Non-Posted Transaction Showing
ACK-NAK Protocol (RD only for NP?)

Requester/Switch will keep its req TLP till
corresponding ACK DLLP is received from Switch/Completer respectively. And
Completer/Switch will keep its CplD TLP till corresponding ACK DLLP is received
from Requester/Switch respectively.

Posted Transaction Showing
ACK-NAK Protocol (WR only for Posted?)

PCIe introduction - part1

1.     PCIe Introduction

Short description:packet based,
point-to-point, fast lvds link

1.1     history

The first generation buses include the ISA,
EISA, VESA, and Micro Channel buses, while the second generation buses include
PCI, AGP, and PCI-X. PCI Express is the third generation high performance I/O
bus used to interconnect peripheral devices in applications such as computing
and communication platforms

1.2     Link

A PCI Express interconnect that connects
two devices together is referred to as a Link. A Link consists of either x1,
x2, x4, x8, x12, x16 or x32 signal pairs in each direction. These signals are
referred to as Lanes. PCI Express implements a dual-simplex Link which implies
that data is transmitted and received simultaneously on a transmit and receive
Lane. The aggregate bandwidth assumes simultaneous traffic in both directions. With
PCIe v1.0 2.5 Gbits/sec is defined for each lane, thus the throughput for a x1
link is 0.5GB/sec. This is derived by multiplying 2.5 Gbits/sec by 2 (for each
direction), then multiplying by number of Lanes, and finally divide by 10-bits
per Byte (to account for the 8-to-10 bit encoding).

a PCI Express interconnect consists of point-to-point
Link. x1 Link consists of 1 Lane or 1 differential signal pair in each
direction for a total of 4 signals.

1.3     More details on physical link

No clock signal exists on the Link. PCI
Express encodes transactions using a packet based protocol.

PCI Express supports the same address
spaces as PCI: memory, IO and configuration address spaces. In addition, the
maximum configuration address space per device function is extended from 256
Bytes to 4 KBytes.

1.4     Error Resilient

CRC fields are embedded within each packet
transmitted. One of the CRC fields supports a Link-level error checking
protocol whereby each receiver of a packet checks for Link-level CRC errors.
Packets transmitted over the Link in error are recognized with a CRC error at
the receiver. The transmitter of the packet is notified of the error by the
receiver. The transmitter automatically retries sending the packet (with no
software involvement), hopefully resulting in auto-correction of the error
resistent. In addition, an optional CRC field within a packet allows for
end-to-end data integrity checking required for high availability applications

1.5     Flow Control

A packet transmitted by a device is
received into a VC buffer in the receiver at the opposite end of the Link. The
receiver periodically updates the transmitter with information regarding the amount
of buffer space it has available
. The transmitter device will only transmit
a packet to the receiver if it knows that the receiving device has sufficient
buffer space to hold the next transaction. The protocol by which the
transmitter ensures that the receiving buffer has sufficient space available is
referred to as flow control. The flow control mechanism guarantees that a
transmitted packet will be accepted by the receiver, baring error conditions.
As such, the PCI Express transaction protocol does not require support of
packet retry (unless an error condition is detected in the receiver), thereby
improving the efficiency with which packets are forwarded to a receiver via the

1.6     Interrupt

PCI Express device use a memory write
packet to transmit an interrupt vector to the root complex host bridge device,
which in-turn interrupts the CPU. PCI Express devices are required to implement
the MSI capability register block. PCI Express also supports legacy interrupt
handling in-band.

1.7     Topology

Major components in the PCI Express system
include a root complex, switches, and endpoint devices.

Monday, May 17, 2010

verilog/sv indent

  1 #!/usr/bin/perl

  2 # Author; Lifeng Chen, Magnum Semiconductor

  3 # Purpose: Indent verilog/systemverilog file


  5 use Term::ANSIColor;


  7 # Flow Control

  8 my $debug_me = 1;


 10 ##TODO

 11 # 1. better indent for block-comment


 13 # Space for each indent

 14 my $Space = "  ";


 16 # comment definition.

 17 my $sl_delm = qw(// );

 18 my %block_delm = (

 19   '{' => '}',

 20   '(' => ')'

 21 );


 23 # Note: Each Open keyword must have corresponding close keyword

 24 my @OpenSingle = qw{repeat for while if else};

 25 my @CloseSingle = qw{; };


 27 my @OpenKeywords = qw{ begin module program package class task function fork case casex casez};  #interface

 28 my @CloseKeywords = qw{ end endmodule endprogram endpackage endclass endtask endfunction join join_none join_any endcase};  #endinterface

 29 my @IgnoreKeywords = qw{ extern typedef disable};


 31 my @OpenSpecial = qw{ovm_field_utils_begin ovm_object_utils_begin ovm_object_param_utils_begin ovm_component_utils_begin};

 32 my @CloseSpecial = qw{ovm_field_utils_end ovm_object_utils_end ovm_object_param_utils_end ovm_component_utils_end};


 34 @OpenKeywords = (@OpenKeywords, @OpenSpecial);

 35 @CloseKeywords = (@CloseKeywords, @CloseSpecial);


 37 sub indent {

 38     my $open_block_comment=0, $close_block_comment=0, $in_block_comment=0;

 39     my $total_indent = 0, $block_indent = 0, $single_indent = 0, $last_indent=0;

 40     my($infile) = @_;

 41     my $tmpfile= "$infile.tmp";

 42     my $open_num=0, $close_num=0, $bracket_delta=0;

 43     my $cleaned_line;


 45     print colored ['green'],"$infile\n";

 46     system("cp $infile $tmpfile");


 48     open(TFILE, ">$tmpfile");

 49     open(FILE, "<$infile");


 51     LINE_LOOP: while(my $line = <FILE>) {

 52         chomp $line;

 53         if ($open_block_comment==1 and $close_block_comment==0) {$in_block_comment = 1;}

 54         else {$in_block_comment = 0;}

 55         $line =~ s{$sl_delm(\w|\*)}{$sl_delm $1};  #remove false block-comment; append space after single-line comment symbol immediately followed by letters etc

 56         $cleaned_line=$line;


 58         if ($cleaned_line =~ m{/\*}) {

 59             $open_block_comment=1;  #start a block comment

 60         }

 61         if ($cleaned_line =~ m{\*/}) {

 62             $close_block_comment=1; #end a block comment

 63         }

 64         if ($close_block_comment == 1) {  #clear block comment flag

 65             $open_block_comment=0;

 66             $close_block_comment=0;

 67         }

 68         #if ($in_block_comment) {$cleaned_line =~ s{^.*\*/}{*/};}  #remove anything in block comment, till end-block symbol is detected

 69         $cleaned_line=~s{"[^"]*"}{}g;  #remove keyword in string

 70         $cleaned_line =~ s{/\*.*\*/}{}g;  #remove keyword in a single-line block comment

 71         $cleaned_line =~ s{^.*\*/}{};  #remove keyword in block comment

 72         $cleaned_line =~ s{/\*.*$}{};  #remove keyword in block comment

 73         $cleaned_line=~ s{$sl_delm.*$}{};  #remove keyword in line comment

 74         $cleaned_line =~ s{\s+$}{};  #remove tailing blanks

 75         #if ($debug_me == 1 and $. >= 577 and $. <= 585) {

 76         #print "debug_me: $., blk_ind: $block_indent, sgl_ind: $single_indent, comment=$in_block_comment: '$cleaned_line'\n";

 77         #}

 78         if ($in_block_comment==1) {

 79             print TFILE "$line\n";  #keep things as they were in a block comment

 80             next LINE_LOOP;

 81         }

 82         $line =~ s/^\s+//;  #remove leading space to prepare for indent

 83         $line =~ s/\s+$//;  #remove any tailing space


 85         #output the active line

 86         if ($line =~ m{^$sl_delm}) {  #indent single-line comment

 87             for($i=0;$i<$block_indent+$single_indent;$i++) { print TFILE $Space; }

 88             print TFILE "$line\n";

 89             next LINE_LOOP;

 90         }


 92         foreach $CloseKey (@CloseKeywords) {

 93             if($cleaned_line =~ /\b$CloseKey\b/) { $block_indent--; $single_indent=0;}

 94         }

 95         $bracket_delta=0;

 96         foreach $open (keys %block_delm) { #indent brackets

 97           $close=$block_delm{"$open"};

 98           $open_num = ($cleaned_line =~ s/\Q$open\E/$open/isg);

 99           $close_num = ($cleaned_line =~ s/\Q$close\E/$close/isg);

100           $bracket_delta+=$open_num-$close_num;

101         }

102         if ($cleaned_line =~ /\S/) {for($i=0;$i<$block_indent+$single_indent;$i++) { print TFILE $Space; }}  #don't indent empty line

103         print TFILE "$line\n";

104         $start_block_line=0;

105         OPEN_BLOCK: foreach $OpenKey (@OpenKeywords) {

106             foreach $IgnoreKey (@IgnoreKeywords) {

107               if($cleaned_line =~ /\b$IgnoreKey\b/) { last OPEN_BLOCK;}

108             }

109             if($cleaned_line =~ /\b$OpenKey\b/) { $block_indent++; $start_block_line=1; }

110         }

111         if ($start_block_line == 0) {

112             OPEN_SINGLE: foreach $OpenKey (@OpenSingle) {

113                 if($cleaned_line =~ /\b$OpenKey\b/ and $cleaned_line !~ /`$OpenKey\b/ ) {

114                     $single_indent++;

115                 }

116             }

117             if ($single_indent > 0) {

118                 CLOSE_SINGLE: foreach $CloseKey (@CloseSingle) {

119                     if($cleaned_line =~ /$CloseKey$/) {

120                         $single_indent=0;

121                     }

122                 }

123             }

124         }

125         $block_indent+=$bracket_delta;

126         #if ($bracket_delta<0) {$block_indent+=$bracket_delta; }

127         #if ($bracket_delta>0) {$block_indent+=$bracket_delta; }

128         if ($block_indent < 0) {print colored ['yellow'],"\tindent_num = $block_indent @ cleaned_line $.. will be reset.\n"; $block_indent=0;}

129         $last_indent=$block_indent;

130     }

131     $total_indent=$block_indent + $single_indent;

132     if ($total_indent != 0) {print colored ['yellow'],"\tThe indentation of final line is not cleared to zero: $block_indent + $single_indent\n";}

133     close FILE; close TFILE;

134     system("mv -f $tmpfile $infile");

135 }


137 my $argnum;

138 if($ARGV[0] eq "" or $ARGV[0] =~ /-h/) {

139     print "Usage : $0 verilogfile.v\n";

140     print "        $0 *.sv\n";

141     print "        $0 *.*v*\n";

142     print "Help  :\n";

143     print "        $0\n";

144     exit(0);

145 }

146 print "Indenting...\n";

147 foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) {

148     my $ifile = $ARGV[$argnum];

149     &indent($ifile);

150 }


Thursday, May 13, 2010

inkscape usage(shortcut)

b Bessel curve
c Calligraphic
d Dropper
e Eclipse
g Gradients
i spIral
n edit path by Node
o create diagram cOnnector
p Pencil
q Quick look
r Rectangle
S Select
t Text
u fill boUnded area
w tWeak objects
x 3d boX
z Zoom
[] (ctrl, alt) rotate by 15degree (90 degree/1 pixel)
<> (ctrl, alt) resize by 2 pixel(1 time/1 pixel)
arrow (shift, alt) move by 2 pixel(20 pixel/1 pixel)
arrow (ctrl) move view
click (ctrl) (object in a group)

stroke: border color, pattern
filling: solid, gradient

Monday, May 10, 2010


和单结相同的用途, 拉紧后不像单结一样的夹挤, 所以比较容易解开, 而且体形较单结大些, 更适合做为止索结使用。许多以单结为单元的结, 也可以用八字结代替。因为结形对称, 所以又称完整结 Perfect knot 。(used as easy-to-release knot)

在童军表解中指出, 平结: 联结两绳或捆缚对象时用, 并不详尽。平结通常用于捆扎或包裹对象, 或作为两条有拉力的绳之连接。但是它并不是一个好的接绳结, 如两绳粗细不同时, 平结就容易滑脱, 而且在大拉力下容易夹挤, 不易解开。因为它的结形扁平, 所以最适合用在绑扎绷带, 其它结因为体积较大, 并不似平结舒适。

主要用在禁制一物体, 并防止它扩大。它不能使用在平面或角隅上, 但却能用在圆的物体, 如圆木柱、袋口、工具把手....等。

本结最大的特点在绳的一端有着良好的强度而另一端则可以轻而易举的将结解开, 因此广泛的被应用在船泊、登山、救生(救火) 及农牧上, 又称为强盗圆角结、马贼结< Highwaymans Hitch or Highwaymans Cutaway or Draw Hitch > 驴结< Don-key Hitch >。(my second favorite)

又称为码头索 适合将船头绳或具有拉力的绳索暂时系在桩上或柱上。松解时,仅须将未受拉力的一端轻轻一拉,整个结便滑脱。

是最通常在一绳端打成一固定圈的结法,具有极高的破断强度,而且不会滑脱和夹挤,是一个安全可靠的结。又称布林结(single bowling)、织布结、共同结、套结。(my favorite)


DVB related

excerpted from etc.

Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) is a suite of internationally accepted open standards for digital television. DVB standards are maintained by the DVB Project, an international industry consortium with more than 270 members, and they are published by a Joint Technical Committee (JTC) of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and European Broadcasting Union (EBU). The interaction of the DVB sub-standards is described in the DVB Cookbook.[1] Many aspects of DVB are patented, including elements of the MPEG video coding and audio coding.

DVB systems distribute data using a variety of approaches, including by satellite (DVB-S, DVB-S2 and DVB-SH; also DVB-SMATV for distribution via SMATV); cable (DVB-C, DVB-C2); terrestrial television (DVB-T, DVB-T2) and digital terrestrial television for handhelds (DVB-H, DVB-SH); and via microwave using DTT (DVB-MT), the MMDS (DVB-MC), and/or MVDS standards (DVB-MS)

These standards define the physical layer and data link layer of the distribution system. Devices interact with the physical layer via a synchronous parallel interface (SPI), synchronous serial interface (SSI), or asynchronous serial interface (ASI). All data is transmitted in MPEG transport streams with some additional constraints (DVB-MPEG). A standard for temporally-compressed distribution to mobile devices (DVB-H) was published in November 2004.

The conditional access system (DVB-CA) defines a Common Scrambling Algorithm (DVB-CSA) and a physical Common Interface (DVB-CI) for accessing scrambled content. DVB-CA providers develop their wholly proprietary conditional access systems with reference to these specifications. Multiple simultaneous CA systems can be assigned to a scrambled DVB program stream providing operational and commercial flexibility for the service provider.

ASI is streaming data format which often carries an MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS).
DVB-ASI interface has become popular for use with infrastructure equipment. DVB-ASI is a fixed-frequency serial interface with a clock rate of 270 Mbps that transmits MPEG-2 data in PA fashion. The physical layer is based upon a subset of fiber channel levels (FC-0 and FC-1), and makes use of the 8B/10B channel coding of that standard.
An ASI signal can carry one or multiple SD, HD or audio programs that are already compressed, not like an uncompressed SDI.
An ASI signal can be at varying transmission speeds and is completely dependent on the user's setup requirements. Generally, the ASI signal is the final product of video compression, either MPEG2 or MPEG4.
DVB-ASI interfaces must support 188-byte MPEG packets and optionally may support 204-byte packets with either 16 Reed-Solomon (RS) error correction bytes or 16 dummy bytes.

Serial digital interface (SDI) is a serial link standardized by ITU-R BT.656 and the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE). SDI transmits uncompressed digital video over 75-ohm coaxial cable within studios, and is seen on most professional video infrastructure equipment.

Data is encoded in NRZI format, and a linear feedback shift register(LFSR) is used to scramble the data to reduce the likelihood that long strings of zeroes or ones will be present on the interface. The interface is self-synchronizing and self-clocking. Framing is done by detection of a special synchronization pattern, which appears on the (unscrambled) serial digital signal to be a sequence of ten ones followed by twenty zeroes (twenty ones followed by forty zeroes in HD); this bit pattern is not legal anywhere else within the data payload.

The first revision of the standard, SMPTE 259M, was defined to carry digital representation of analog video such as NTSC and PAL over a serial interface and is more popularly known as standard-definition (SD) SDI. The data rate required to transmit SD SDI is 270 Mbps.

With the advent of high-definition (HD) video standards such as 1080i and 720p, the interface was scaled to handle higher data rates of 1.485 Gbps. The 1.485-Gbps serial interface is commonly called the HD SDI interface and is defined by SMPTE 292M, using the same 75-ohm coaxial cable.

Studios and other video production facilities have invested heavily on the hardware infrastructure for coaxial cable and have a vested interest in extending the life of their infrastructure. Fortunately, SMPTE recently ratified a new standard called SMPTE 424M that doubles the SDI data rates to 2.97 Gbps using the same 75-ohm coaxial cable. This new standard, also called 3-Gbps (3G)-SDI, enables higher resolution of picture quality required for 1080p and digital cinema. This interface supports 4:4:4 at 2K resolution on ONE BNC.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


A Psalm of David
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. (Psalms 23:1-6)


你的杖 你的竿

Monday, May 3, 2010


excerpted from et al.
在地面广播电视系统中,图像信号的残留边带调幅就是发送一个完整的上边带和一小部分下边带,抑制大部分另一下边带。(0.75~1.25MHz保留)我国标准规定,伴音载频fS比图像载频fP高6.5MHz,距fP为-1.25MHz处的最小衰减量为20 dB。

以8MHz为间隔,我国电视频道在VHF和UHF频段共分为68个频道,见表3-1。其中,频率为92~167MHz、566~606MHz的部分供调频广播和无线电通信使用(调频广播使用88~108 MHz,其中88~92 MHz频带内可以安排电视频道)。在开路电视系统中不安排电视频道,但在有线电视中常设置有增补频道以增加频道数量。

2. 卫星广播电视射频全电视信号的形成




