Wednesday, March 9, 2011

steps to setup web server (wsgi based)

========== installing apache ==========
1. download httpd-x.x.xx.tar.gz, and extract to specified folder; rename if necessary
2. chdir to exacted folder
3. ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX ($PWD is supported)
4. make (compile)
5. make install (install)
6. ./httpd -k start|stop|restart
========== installing python ==========
1. basically the same as apache installation
 2. additional package (try easy_install ) including genshi,, zif.sedna, xlwt, verilib, mx, RuleDispatch)0.

========== TurboGears ========
0. what's TurboGears
connect python to web (web io, db)
1. to install
download: wget
install: python

========== paste ========
0. what's paste
1. to install (requires setuptools)
download: wget
  install: python install
========== pylons ========
0. what's pylons
Pylons combines the very best ideas from the worlds of Ruby, Python and Perl, providing a structured but extremely flexible Python web framework. It's also one of the first projects to leverage the emerging WSGI standard, which allows extensive re-use and flexibility — but only if you need it. Out of the box, Pylons aims to make web development fast, flexible and easy.
1. to install
easy_install -f Pylons==
========== wsgi ========
0. what's wsgi
WSGI is the Web Server Gateway Interface. It is a specification for web servers and application servers to communicate with web applications (though it can also be used for more than that). It is a Python standard, described in detail in PEP 333.
1. to install
download: wget http://...
install: configure/make/make install
2. to use it, need python:paste & paste script

========== sedna ==========
1. download binary from website
2. sh ./
set the target addr to: /opt/soft/sedna-3.1.17 (3.4.66 doesn't work yet :( )
and the installed path will be .../sedna/
3. configure the result data folder (if necessary)
need to crate the data folder manually
4. at engsrv35, use se_exp export $mydb to export existent db
at bjdb, use se_exp import $mydb to import db

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